Saturday, May 31, 2008

Concerts and movies

I had a very productive day today. Got up got ready and went out. Mom and I went to Academy where I got a few new t-shirts (as opposed to old?, LOL) for me to wear in the hospital and a new baseball cap. Then we went to Tinseltown and met up with Ashley, Hannah, and her boyfriend Lee and watched Narnia: Prince Caspian. It was really good and I enjoyed it. Afterwards Mom and I went to JC Penny where we got a few more sets of clothes. Then headed home.

This morning I bought 3 tickets to the Carrie Underwood concert thats at Ford Park June 21st. Its going to be cutting it close after having my surgery (June 9th) so I hope I will feel well enough to attend since I already paid for the tickets and because I really really want to go to it! Got pretty good seats too, in the upper bowl, and if your facing the stage its to the left of the stage.

I'm tired now and it felt so good to get out and about.

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