Thursday, May 29, 2008

Finally got appointment!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Finally got appointment!
I'm almost afraid if by posting this I will jinx it!

But whatever happens, happens.

I've been working at getting a dang GYN appointment for right at 2 1/2 weeks now.

Apparently nobody sees patients that have 2 insurances, specially if your secondary insurance is Medicaid. My primary is Cigna. So I've learned more than I ever wanted to about insurances lately. I guess I'm working at being a medical dictionary. I'm starting to think I should get paid for this! I got a lotta knowledge up there in my pea brain!

After going through a LONG list of doctors. I finally found one that will see me, at least. While on the phone with a nice nurse (so far, she is nice) I was trying to get an appointment with another doctor, but she said he wouldn't see me cause of the insurance. Then she said, but there is another doctor in this practice that was hired by that doctor that will see you. So after explaining to her my situation with being a lung transplant patient and the advice to get hysterectomy by both my lung and heart doctor and other issues/reasons. Exchange of insurance and other information, finally have a doctor.

I finally have an appointment tomorrow at 2pm in Houston. I only got the appointment so soon because someone canceled. I'm very happy to get the appointment, specially since it took so long to get and has been nothing but stress and headache. But its supposed to be raining tomorrow on the drive there and back. Wonderful.

My lung doctor had told me of a doctor, but they (the GYN clinic he gave me the name of) wouldn't let me set up appointment and I've been having a hard time getting my nurse's assistant to give the referral and straighten everything out. Been after them for over a week. So I just said heck with them and took care of it myself. So I don't know anything about the doctor, and she is new to this practice, but I'm told she is nice and that I will like her from the nurse I talked to today. And no, I haven't told my nurse that I took care of it myself yet.

I'm hoping that this doctor will be good and I like her and will do the hysterectomy for me. As I really don't want to go through trying to find another doctor again. It was heck finding this one.

Not sure why it has to be so complicated sometimes. I'm just glad that I have a clue! Because it looks like if you don't, your pretty much up the creek without a paddle! You really do have to be your own advocate concerning your medical care.

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