Thursday, May 29, 2008

Update from cardiologist, bronchoscopy is Thursday, and another surgery soon!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Update from cardiologist, Bronchoscopy is Thursday, and another surgery soon!

I went to the cardiologist today, at Baylor in Houston. Cardiologist did EKG and it looked great, just showed that I had some tachycardia. Heart rate was 103. Told him that the heart medicine wasn't lasting 24hrs like its supposed to. He told me to take the 100mg like I have been in the morning then 12hrs later take 50mg. And give it 1-2 weeks to see if it will work for me. And to see him in 6 months for check up. He was very pleased with how things are going.

I showed him my lump thats on my right lower side. He thinks that it is from the Lovenox injections and should heal up and go away. Said to show my lung transplant doctor Thursday when I see him for my bronchoscopy.

I also talked to him about getting a hysterectomy. I told him I don't have a doctor/surgeon yet for it and that I'm getting it done as soon as the lung transplant doctor says I can. He said that he would talk to my transplant doctor to see if it will be done at Methodist or St. Lukes (Both in Houston's medical center) and they will decide who will the the surgeon/doctor/OBGYN for me for that. Cardiologist says I could have it done in a month or two he thinks, as long as my bronchoscopy has good results and everything is going well. And when I get it done he wants to know about it and be on my case as he wants to be there for me to monitor my heart and overall health. And my transplant doctor will be there as well for my lungs.

I guess I'll find out more on Thursday when I go for my bronchoscopy. It will be at 10am, but I have to be there at 8am! Which means I have to get up really early! They will be looking and taking a biopsy. When I got home from the cardiologist the transplant nurse had left me a message on my answering machine, so I called her back and got the bronch scheduled.

Oh, and my Mom is a nurse and works for a doctor. The doctor's son is also a doctor but was first a licensed massage therapist, and he said he would give me 30min relaxation massage for free! I can't wait to get the massage! Its going to feel so good! I'm really really excited about it.

After seeing the cardiologist Mom and I ate at Luby's. MMmm, it was so good! I had fish, spanish rice, mac n cheese, roasted red skin potatoes, roll, and carrot cake for dessert. I wasn't able to eat the majority of it, as I can only eat a few bites of food at a time. So I took it home in a to-go box along with the pinto beans that Mom didn't eat, lol. I'll be eating on this meal for the next couple of days, haha.

My back is healing up, it still hurts but not as bad. I just have to stay off the horses and take it easy until it no longer hurts.

This has been a busy week for me! I went to transplant clinic this past Friday, then today the heart doctor, and Thursday I'm getting a bronch! I don't know what day I'm getting the massage, it was going to be tomorrow or Friday, but I think I'll get it done next week now, after all the apts are over so I can just relax.

Those that missed it, I have an update somewhere on here an update from when I went to transplant clinic. Lungs are doing great! 95% lung function! Only thing they were concerned about was the creatinine(sp) was at the higher end of normal. Its a kidney test. They are hoping I was just a little dehydrated and thats why its up. They gave me a Rx for something that I can take for the migraines and menstrual cramps on the worst 2 days. Can't take it more than that because he said its either too hard on the kidneys or the liver with the anti-rejection medicines I'm on.

So, I'll be having another surgery soon, its a MUCH needed one. I've been having issues with my cycles since I was 16yo. But they put me on birth control which made all the bad issues I was having stop. Then I got blood clots and can't go back on birth control so the problems started up again shortly after transplant. I just had so many other things going on that we all ignored the cycle problems. Now I'm better and the issues are causing major problems. And I'm tired of dealing with it all so am finally ready to be done with it and get it taken care of so I can really enjoy my life and get back to doing things.

I weighed 114 lbs today . And the cardiologist said I look really good, the best he has ever seen me he says!

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