Thursday, May 29, 2008

What a weeken

Monday April 21, 2008

what a weekend

Saturday went to Beaumont and went to Academy, got a new pair of shoes there. Then went to Petsmart and got Harley and Buzz some pig rawhide chewies that has stuffing in the center of it. And a new water bottle for the bunnies, Rex and Bugs. Then went to TSC and got a bag of Calf Manna for Ginger. Afterwards went to mall and got Mom new pair of shoes and couple shirts for each of us. Got a lemonade to drink.

Also visited my Aunt and Uncle as they got a new RV and its really cool! Has a lot of space and lots of ceiling room, and has the slide out sides for more room! Really neat. They are taking it to their lake place and will stay in that while they are building their lake house. Aunt will soon be retiring and they want to have a nice place to get away too when the weather is nice.

Today I'm waiting on the transplant center to call me back so I can make appointment.

I'm hoping to do something outside today too while the weather in nice. Supposed to rain later this week.

Oh and Harley is such a brave little girl now! Before she when I let her outside she is really scared and will stay on the porch or very close to the porch and if something scares her she will run to the door and want back inside. Well Saturday she changed, like a snap of the fingers! It was weird, I thought it would be a slow process. I walked to the rabbit hutch and looked down and there she was right by my side! I said "good girl" and gave her a pet on the head, didn't want to make too much of a fuss over it thinking if I did she would run back to the house. Then I went on about my business walking to the water tank in the big pasture then to the barn and Harley followed me everywhere staying right next to me. Then Sunday, I thought it was just a fluke and she wouldn't come out in the yard with me. Well, she proved me wrong. She followed me all over the yard and even ventured off a ways from me but still close to me at the same time. She looks funny running around outside cause she is so small. Before to get her to walk away from the house I would have to put a leash on her. Now I have to just watch her good when we are outside so that she stays out of the pastures and away from horses as she doesn't know about them yet.

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