Thursday, May 29, 2008

First Barrel Race!

Monday, May 19, 2008

1st Barrel Race!
5/17/2008 I went to a NBHA barrel race in Silsbee. I had a blast! Both my parents went with me along with Buzz, Mom's JRT. I brought Alleyway to ride around on and Ginger to keep Alleyway calm while tied to the trailer. I hadn't been to a barrel race since 2006! Alley did okay. She spooked a lot, but thats expected as she hadn't been rode much in 2 years and before that when she was rode, she didn't get hauled very much. So she spooked at a yellow rope on the ground, 4 wheeler, a shetland pony, a calf roping dummy, water puddle, red plastic solo cup on the ground, the bathrooms, people, and a horse when it was going past her. LOL. But at least she didn't buck me off, she did however buck Dad off, HA!

I got to visit with my horse-y friends. And watched Hannah run her mare Jazz and win the Open 4D. Also got to meet new people. Like Brooke and her daughter Sarah. A couple nice girls named Ashley and Bayleigh too.

I must say, Hannah is a true friend. She knew I was nervous of riding Alleyway of her pulling a stunt. So Hannah switched horses with me for a while and let me ride Jazz while she rode Alleyway. Not many people will let you ride their horse, specially at a barrel race before they ever make their run.

My Dad washed the horse trailer and Mom gave Alley a bath the day before. Now if only I can straighten out my tack are in the trailer, lol.

Also Hannah came over last week and worked on cleaning Ginger's stall out. It was hard work what she accomplished.

And finally today I was given the name of a GYN, Dr. Law, with The Methodist. Tomorrow I have to ask my coordinator Rebecka to get me a referral and set up the apt. for me. Hopefully I will be accepted. And we can get everything straightened out and get the hysterectomy done and over with so I don't have to suffer with that anymore.

Since Saturday afternoon though I have had extra nausea and a bad headache that won't go away. I've been dry heaving a lot and my head feels as if it will explode at times. Its one of those throbbing headaches that just nag nag nag and seem to get worse by the minute. Temperature is normal, and my FEV1 is staying in its normal range. I weighed 109.6 lbs today, so I lost a little bit of weight.

I did get results from my bronch. No signs of infection or rejection! YAY!

I also got calls about the Ginger and Dolly sell ads. I've decided not to sell Ginger unless I absolutely can't afford to care for her. Hopefully next year she will be sound and can run barrels again. But if not, no big deal. I just have to get Cherokee and Alleyway going, it will just take time and patience.

On the way home from the barrel race, we stopped at a fresh fish market and got 5lb of blue catfish. So Sunday we had fried fish, it was good, although I only had a pinch of catfish since I've been extra nauseated and dry heaving. Saturday night we had left over chicken spaghetti with garlic french bread.

Currently I'm updating the blog. Mom is watching Little People on the TLC channel. Dad is at Walmart getting a few things and getting me some Blow Pops, the suckers with gum in the middle, yummy. And maybe some of the Caramel Pops, the suckers that are apple flavored with caramel over the top of it. Buzz is sleeping on the floor and Harley is trying to get attention or into trouble, lol.

Other than being sick starting Saturday afternoon while leaving the barrel race, and still being sick today, Monday. I had a great day at the NBHA! Now I really can't wait to run barrels again!

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