Thursday, May 29, 2008

Update from bronch and weekend

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Update from bronch and weekend

My bronchoscopy last Thursday went well. The IV starter guy came and I found him a good vein in my right hand to stick. It popped up really nicely for him. He dropped a ml of lidocaine on the skin and rubbed it in to help numb it up. Then stuck it and injected the lidocaine. Waited a minute or two and then inserted the IV. Got it on the first try! And didn't feel a thing! All I felt was a little sting when the lidocaine was injected. Then a small sting when he was adjusting the IV line to encourage blood to come out. He drew 3 vials of blood. Then they started up my antibiotic drip.

Before they put me on the bronch table the IV starter guy, Mark, came back. He said that my nurse failed to put the labels on the tubes of blood when she sent them off so the lab wouldn't run them even though they were in a bag together with a paper that had my name and information on it. So he drew blood from my left arm below the bend in the elbow. He did the same routine to draw the blood that he did to put in my IV so it didn't hurt and I was just glad that the vein he got gave all the blood he needed. Because the week before that same vein collapsed and they didn't get enough blood and had to stick me in another vein to get the rest.

Then I was placed on the bronch table. Covered with a sheet and a towel over my chest area to keep from getting wet when they do the lavage (flush out the lungs with sterile saline). The respiratory nurse first gave me 5mg versed and 100 of fentanyl. Ha! This only gave me the "relaxed" feeling and I was still very much wide awake. The doctor then said to give me 5mg more of versed. Then I started to drift off. They ended up giving me 15mg versed (sedation med) and 450 of fentanyl (pain med), to keep me sedated. I'm always very hard to sedate! Since they had to give me so much, in recovery I had to have a bed by the nurse's station with my curtain open so the nurses could watch me closely. Nurse said I was taking 9-12 breaths a minute and normal is 20-25 breaths a minute. I also woke up very nauseated and dry heaving so they had to give me both phenergan and zofran to stop that.

I didn't get a chance to talk to Dr. Harish about hysterectomy. But my Mom did and he said that he would find me a GYN and get back to me. So looks likes are lights are "go" to get that done. I'll be so glad once its over with!

Dr. Harish took fluid samples from the flushing and a biopsy from the right lung. I should find out results soon. He said that the left lung, where the stent was at. There is scar tissue closing off part of the air way but didn't want to do anything to it at this time as its not effecting my breathing yet and my PFT (lung function) numbers are still the highest they have been. He also thinks that it could heal up on its own in time. Will just monitor and watch it for now.

About 15min after I was awake I drank a sip of Sprite, dressed, and Mom and I were on our way home. We stopped at Burger King and ate.

Once we got back into town. I begged Mom to take me to TSC. We looked around and I got a purple halter with a purple multi-colored matching lead rope. Later we went to Walmart to pick up a few things. I got 3 books to read. I've already started reading one. I love to read.

Saturday Mom took me to Sams Western Store so I could get some Electro Dex for the horses. I also got a new bit for Alleyway, I hope it works for her! She needs her teeth floated first though. And got her a new halter. Its a ty-dyed halter with matching lead rope. Mom also cooked a brisket on the BBQ pit to eat for Mothers Day.

My right hand, where the IV was at. Is all swollen twice its normal size! It has phlebitis I guess. Can't wait for the swelling to be gone!

Sunday I gave mom a card and cookbook. Chase gave her a vase of pretty day lilies. Dad got her a carrot cake.

Mom has done so much for me! I'm so thankful for her being my Mom! She put everything on hold for herself so that she could care for me.

Hopefully this week I'll get some word about getting a GYN and get the ball rolling on that.

And hope I get to get that free 30min relaxation massage! Oooo!

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