Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lung transplant clinic is over!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Lung transplant clinic is over!
And what a long day it was! I got up at 5:30am. Left the house at 6:10am. Got into a lot of traffic on the way.

Started out with blood work on 5th floor of Smith Tower. They stuck me the first time on my right arm at the bend of the elbow. It gave some, then shut down. So a different lady came and poked me on my left arm in the bend of the elbow. A really slow stream came out. She had to use a syringe to pull the blood out and it still came out slow, but steady. Finally got enough for all the test tubes to be filled.

Next, I went to 5th floor on Scurlock Tower to get my chest xray. This took about 15min and we got out of there and headed to the main Methodist building in the hospital. Went to 9th floor for the pulmonary testing. I did the lung function test and it showed my FEV1 is 3.05, which meant I have 95% lung function. I opted not to do the 6 minute walk as my back still hurts from when I hurt it riding Alleyway.

Since it was 10am we had time to head on down to the caferteria and I got a lemonade and BBQ baked lays chips and Mom got a drink and apple pie. Ate our snacks then headed back to Smith Tower to the transplant clinic at 10:40am

Finally got pulled back into a room after 1pm. They took my vitals. Blood pressure was 137/84, heart rate was 120, O2 saturation was 99%.

Talked to Rebecka, post-transplant coordinator, and the Fellow. Then talked to Dr. Kesavan. Everything looks good. My creatinin(sp) was a little elevated so they are going to watch that. And he wants to do a bronchoscopy on me to just take a look-see. They also gave me a Rx for antibiotic to get my teeth cleaned, and one to take during my menstrual cycles when I get the dang migraines. As soon as I'm strong enough and doctors agree, I'll be getting a hysterectomy. They hadn't got back my Prograf results yet, but doctor thought it might be a little bit high. Said someone would call if I need to change anything.

On the way home Mom and I went to Luby's in Houston. I had Chicken fried chicken, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes with brown gravy and a roll. And of course carrot cake for dessert. Mom had liver and mushrooms/onions on top, mashed potatoes with brown gravy, roll, and butter beans. Of course I can only eat a few bites so took majority of mine home and ate on it for snack, dinner, and breakfast for today, lol. Yum-o!

Tuesday I see the cardiologist. I'm sure Dr. Franklin will adjust my medicine dosage around a bit.

Today is Kentucky Derby day! So watching that! I wonder if this year will be a Triple Crown winner? The names I'm liking for the Derby are Pyro, Court Vision, Colonel John, Geyego, Eight Belles (have to root for the filly!), and a few others. I also like Big Brown but not sure he will be a Triple Crown winner with his hoof problems. Then there is Big Truck, Z Humor, Z Fortune, Tale Of Ekati, and others.

All my friends are in DeRidder, La. and the TLBRA (Texas-Louisiana Barrel Racing Assoc.), I think its a $10,000 added barrel race. Its a 3-day barrel race. Hannah is going to be a barrel setter for $8/hr. I heard that she won some money on Jazz last night in one of the incentives. Rachael had a nice run so is planning on running today. Haven't heard how anyone else is doing yet.

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