Friday, June 6, 2008

I feel good

Hello all!

I've still been walking at the track. Yesterday I even jogged one lap and walked the last three. (4 laps equals a mile).

I've been feeling really good the last couple days except for cramping. I woke up and took some pain medicine then almost 2 hours later I was still in a lot of pain to the point of crying so Mom gave me some morphine. It helped make the pain more bearable, still didn't get rid of it totally though. But I was able to go back to sleep.

This afternoon Mom and I walked at the track then went to walmart. I got a few things like shampoo, toothbrush, 2 DVDs to bring to the hospital.

Got home and packed up a few foal size halters to give to a friend in Oklahoma for her newborn filly Remedy. Will have that sent to her soon.

I've decided that I'm going to try and breed Ginger this year. Not sure if she will get in foal. I don't even know where she is at in her heat cycle. I figure by the time she has the foal and foal is weaned or almost weaned, she should be ready to ride again. I'm excited at the thought of having another foal from Ginger, but trying to not get my hopes up. She is hard to get in foal.

Chase, my brother, came to visit tonight. I made him carry me piggy-back across the yard to where our Mom was at. I love spending time with my brother!

I've finished reading 2 books already this week. I've read "Mistaken Identity" and "The Ruins".

And my nausea isn't bothering me much today! Mom bought Little Ceaser's pizza home for dinner and I ate a whole slice. Also ate a few pieces of left over cake from my 1 year anniversary and a plum. That plum was soooo sweet and juicy!

My 1 year transplant anniversary was Wednesday, June 4th!!!!! Thomas and Mack have been with me a whole year now! I've come a long way since then! Dad took me to Books A Million and bought me some books. Mom bought a cake. And Dad set off a couple of fireworks outside and I accidentally set one off inside the kitchen, oopps!

I've been thinking about horses a LOT lately and I can't wait to get back to riding, but especially barrel racing!

My plan is after I recover from surgery to get Cherokee going and enter him when I think he can catch the 4D, then as he learns and is ready for more push him a little more until he is eventually finished and I hope he ends up being at least a 2D horse. And get Alleyway going to. Then after I have those 2 going well, start messing with the others on ground work, roundpen, ground driving, and the sort.

My hysterectomy surgery is Monday. This afternoon while I was in the shower Dr. Hunt called me and left message on my cell. Just checking on me and seeing if I had any last minute questions and that she would see me Monday. What an awesome doctor she is! I can't wait for surgery to be done with and I'm recovered so I can get back to riding!

Oh, and I need to keep my eyes out of the Jeffers Equine catalog because I saw a headstall and a loping hackamore that I want! And some other things too, like new purple sport boots for Ginger! And some polo wraps, all kinds of colors I want!

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