Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Surgery is done

Hey All!

My total abdominal hysterectomy surgery was done June 9 at 8am by Dr. Hunt and her fellow, and the anesthesiologist Dr. Carter. Surgery went well they said. Said they found 3 areas that had endometeriosis, and it was a good thing I got it all removed now when I did. Or if I had the surgery done in the future the endometeriosis would have spread and been harder to remove.

The first day was bad, they were scared to give me to much pain medication. Even though we already had a discussion that I have a high tolerance to pain meds and it takes a lot of it to help ease pain.

Then I was on the Woman's floor because the Transplant floor was full. The nurses there were good, but I still prefer my transplant nurses.

I had one pyscho nurse. She broke down crying and cussing because she crushed up one of my medicines that you can't crush it up or break in half because its enteric coated and won't work if you do that to it. And I told her that before she did it. And her being a nurse, she should have known that in the first place and I shouldn't have had to tell her. So she had to throw it away and start over.

Then later that day the same nurse was changing my IV out and moving it to another site because it had blown and I need to get a bag of IV fluids. Well my one of my transplant doctors were there and she didn't have anything ready. Just whipped out my IV out of my hand and blood stars gushing all over the place. She had no gloves on. She smashed her hand on top of mine. The doctor was appalled. He told her to put gauze on it. She goes, oh I don't use that we just use napkins out of the bathroom and goes and gets some thats sitting on the sink and puts them on my hand. The doctor eyes were huge and he rolled them then told his fellow to go get some gauze. Then said that I needed to be transferred to the transplant floor STAT so that I'm cared my nurses that know what they are doing. So she almost broke down crying again. My doc was worried that with her putting her hand on mine without any gloves is that I would catch a germ from her through the open spot on my hand where the IV was.

Then later when I had a visitor she came to give me my meds and couldn't do anything right and I had to keep correcting her. Then my feeding tube got plugged up and instead of trying to help me, she gets upset and almost starts to cry again. Then finally just walks out the room without saying anything.

The night nurse said I wouldn't have her again during my stay and that they would talk to her after I left.

Then I had bad gas pain! I had to get 3 suppositories. And did a LOT of walking.

The next day I felt better so Mom and I went to the deli and got a sandwich. Then they day after that we went to a hamburger joint thats in the hospital and ummm it was so good. I only took a few bites of Moms food though.

Later that afternoon a nurse took out my staples and put steri strips on top of the incision. Well, the glue that was left un covered. Ended up sticking to my underwear. So the next time I had to pee, I was glued to my undies! And I had to pee badly so it was not a time to be stuck in your panties!

Saturday, I'm to be discharged. And guess what? the psycho nurse is back! She did her job and didn't mess with me and check on me very much, so I was glad for that. I think she knew I didn't really like her cause she wasn't as friendly as she was before. I was discharged and just waiting on Dad to come pick Mom and I up. So he got there right at 9pm and we got home a little after 11pm. I also took one of the hospital pillows home with me. I needed it for support to hold on top of my incision on the ride home. Ooopps. Didn't want to just take it, but I needed it. I'm still using it to hold on my incision for support too.

The ride home made me sore! Then Sunday I was really sick with nausea. And had dry heaves, so every time I started having dry heaves I cried cause it felt like my incision was going to rip apart and my insides were going to come outside! Later Sunday night when I started to feel better, Mom and I watch "Juno" and "The Golden Compass". Both are good movies.

Monday I had my blood drawn. CBC, BMP, and Prograf level. Also got my lung clinic follow up appt for June 24. And my GYN follow up for July 21.

I'm hoping that my renal function is back to normal because during the hospital it went really high and they said over 40% of my kidneys weren't working. So gave me lots of IV fluids and got it down but on the higher end of normal side. They may lower my dosage of Prograf again depending on if its still high or not. The drugs I have to take to keep me alive are hard on the kidneys and they say some people eventually have kidney failure and will need to have a kidney transplant.

Also Monday. I went and ran some errands with Dad. Went to the feed store for horse feed. Got Pacman and new lime green halter. (now I need to find him a lime green matching lead rope). And 2 pecan pies for Mom. Then went to post office to mail some foal halters to Lexi and get some stamps. Then to pharmacy to pick up my medicine. Then went to hot dog stand so Dad could get something to eat. Then went to TSC where I got a Jolly Ball, blue bubble gum scent/flavored for the 3 2yos to play with, some EZ ALL foamer and gallon of shampoo for it to wash the horses with.

When got home gave the colts the Jolly Ball and they love it! They roll it around and pick it up by the handle and swing it around and hit each other with it. I need to get another one for Shady and Scooter Bug to play with. I know that they will love playing with one!

Also the new floral painted headstall and noseband that I got for Ginger came in while I was in the hospital. Its really pretty, I like it! Now I need to save up so I can buy the matching breastcollar for it too! The new Legacy Classic Equine boots came as well, they are purple, got a set for her front feet and set for her rear legs. I also got her a new rope halter with attached lead rope. Its light blue, pink, and a little bit of black in it.

I also told Hannah last night that she can have one of my Carrie Underwood tickets and come to the concert with me! So I'm excited about that! I know we will have a LOT of fun! Its this Saturday.

I also won some barrel racing training videos from winningruns, I can't wait to start watching them! There are 13 DVDs in all to watch! I'm going to learn a LOT from those!

I'm still excited about getting Pacman all his new tack! I finally picked his color to be lime green. And it helps that Mom got me lime green with purple straps Professional Choice Elites boots and some lime green over reach boots. So now I have a halter. And now I need a lead rope and reins and lime green water and grain buckets for him and a hay net/bag. Also need to get him a canvas duck blanket, but I have never seen them in lime green.

My lungs are doing wonderful! And the incision pain isn't that bad anymore unless I over do it, hit my abdomen on something, or pick up something thats to heavy. I'm supposed to stay off the horses for 6-8 weeks. And no driving until I'm cleared by the doctor.

While in the hospital. I think it was my 2nd day post-op I got a visit from a fellow Tx 26 barrel racer Karen. It was so great to meet her! She is a sheriffs Deputy. So gets to carry a hand gun, taser, and hand cuffs, along with some other neat gadgets I presume as well. She is such a nice person. I wish I could meet more people like her! She has been faced with illness as well and she is pushing through it so well. I wish her the best on her first barrel race back, its on the July 4th weekend! I hope she does well! I'm so happy for her! She brought me a gift, a couple books and a card all in a gorgeous looking bag. She is so sweet!

And finally, I'm glad to be home. To sleep in my own bed!

1 comment:

kbryan said...

How are you feeling these days?

I had a total laparoscopic hysterectomy this past Friday and am doing well. Yours wasn't laparoscopic was it? You must have been in a world of pain - I hope that you are recovering nicely.

Hope everything is going well with you and all your critters.
