Friday, August 1, 2008

Finally an update!

A lot has gone on since my last post. But I should be back to posting regular updates now.

I recovered from the hysterectomy very well! No more of having to deal with those issues! Although I was informed that I did have endometeosis on 3 places and they left both of my ovaries in place. The doctor said years down the road that I could get endometerosis on the ovaries. But I will worry about that if that should happen down the road.

I ended up back in the hospital about a week after the hysterectomy with the stomach issues (gastroparesis) and having a lot of feeding tube pain. So since I'm always getting poked and my veins are used up the doctors put a port-a-cath below my left collar bone. They can give me medicine through it and draw blood out from it for lab work. Now I won't have to get my veins poked and give them a chance to heal up. I can have the port in for up to 10yrs before it needs to be replaced or just taken out entirely.

Then a few days later they changed out my feeding tube, to a new one. Its the same kind/type, the old one they say was still in good working order but they can cause some issues with pain and stuff when sediment from medicine and/or tube feeding stuff. The interventional radiologist was really nice and I trust him, he is very compasionate and caring of his patients. He said that I need to have my feeding tube changed out every 4-6 months, and if I don't then that will cause the pain and issues that I was having. I was orignaly told by my doctor that it would only need to be once a year to once every other year. So hopefully by going by Dr. Weiner suggestion and having it changed out every 4-6 months, I will no longer have feeding tube issues!

Then I went home. And the next week 4 of my horses had procedures done.

Cherokee~ regular standing gelding, coggins, teeth floated
Charlie~ gelded under general anesthesia, wolf teeth pulled (only had 1 so have to wait for the other to come in so it can get pulled out), and coggins.
Nacho~ regular standing gelding, coggins, wolf teeth pulled
Scooter Bug~ Cryptorchid gelding (under general anesthesia), coggins, wolf teeth pulled.

So had to nurse to them, give them their medicines, make sure they were moving/walking around enough to keep swelling down, watching for drainage/infection, and give them pain medicine.

The day after they went to the vet I went back to the hospital with nausea, retching, and a migriane. I stayed in the hospital for 7 days. I had first went to the local hospital, all they did was give a dose of nausea meds and sent me home while I was still dry heaving into a nausea pan. I didn't want to go to Houston, so I toughed it out that night and dry heaved all night and into the next day. Mom said thats was it, and she forced me to go to Houston Methodist hospital.

I was admitted, and not happy about it. I don't like going there because its so stressful to be there. Worring about my horses getting taking care of properly. Then have to worry about the nurse taking care of me, that she is doing her job right and giving me my medicines correctly. Having to tell every single fellow/resident that comes in the whole story of whats going on. Then when the doctor comes I have to say the whole story again. Whats the point of telling the fellow if I'm going to have to tell the doc anyway? And then sometimes when the fellow does speak out and say whats going on, they usually only get half of it right. Then I have to make sure the nurses give me my medicines on time and draw my blood in the morning on time.

Dr.S doesn't know what to do to help me get better and is tired of me. So he made accusactions that were wrong and he went about asking questions and saying things the wrong way. There is a right way and a wrong way to go about things. A few things he should not have said at all. He talked to my Mom the next day and she set him straight and he appoligized. But damage has been done. I can forgive, but not forget. All this did was stress me more.

After talking to a few of the nurses and the PA and the NP, I felt a lot better. And a lot of stress was relieved.

I had a new doctor come see me, he wants me to try this shot out that isn't FDA approved, so its experimental. Yeah! I'm a gunia pig again! Its a shot that I take just under the skin every 2 days. He wants me to try it out for at least a month and see if it helps with the nausea. Hopefully it works. It has some not so good side effects though. Like nausea, headache, seizures, and diahhrrea. Grrreeeeaaaattttt, LOL. But so far, no bad side effects happening!

They did xrays of my lungs and sinuses all were normal!

My lungs are doing great!

Ginger, Eno, and Dolly went to new homes almost 2 weeks ago. Ginger went to a little girl to use for a 4H project for halter and pleasure classes. Dolly and Eno will be pasture pets and stay together. I miss Ginger very much.

Dad gave me Turbo. And when I save enough money up, I'm going to send him to a trainer. He has to have his coggins, teeth floated, and get freeze branded before he can go too. And Mom gave me Nacho, I guess because he is Sioux's last colt and Sioux means the world to me and she won't be here much longer. And Nacho seems to like me best, I can handle him very easy, whereas sometimes it takes Dad forever to catch him, hehe.

So my personal horses are now: Turbo, Toast, PacMan, Charlie, Nacho.

And I can do anything I want with any of the others. Perks, Scooter, Shady, Alleyway. I'm going to finish Cherokee on barrels and Mom says she wants to start riding and barrel racing again and wants to on Cherokee. So after I finish him, she will take Cherokee over. It will be fun.

After I have paid for Turbo's training, and getting everyone the vet care yearly stuff they need, like wolf teeth pulled and teeth floated and coggins and freeze branding. I'm hoping to save up for my own 28ft gooseneck aluminin stock trailer, with a nose cone for saddles to go in and 2 center slam gates, with the rubber floor planks. No wood flooring for me! I'm excited, its going to take forever to get it though. But I can dream, hehe.

I'm doing good. I've been reading books lately. Mom and I have been passing them around. This weekend might go to a movie. One day I want to spend messing with the horses, can't do much with them still though as they are still recovering from their surgeries, but they can get a bath or get brushed. Depends on the weather, if it rains or not.

Well, see ya later. My new BLING headstalls just arrived! I can't wait to open the box! Its Cherokee's, Turbo's, and PacMan's gorgeous alligator and crystal headstalls. You can see them on I got the red one, lime green one, and the purple one. The red one is for Cherokee, purple for Turbo, and lime green for Pacman. I might put up pictures later.


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