Monday, August 4, 2008

Edouard - tropical storm/hurricane

Right now we are under a hurricane watch/warning. So far its a tropical storm but they are saying it has a good chance to become a hurricane one. And have to watch out for tornadoes.

So we have horses moved around. And anything that might "fly" we put in the horse trailer, like trash cans and such. The outside dog, Sparky, will come inside and go in the washroom and will sleep on some bath towels and rugs in there. He is scarred of bad weather.

I emailed my coordinator today, they still haven't gotten my blood lab results from last Monday, to see what my Prograf level is and check on my renal function. I still have some hard feelings with my doctor. He apolozied and I accepted, but the things he said was very hurtful. And one thing he said crossed the line. I guess I will just take it slow each time I have to go in and see the doctors, and I'm sure our relationship will be repaired slowly. Thats all I'll say on that matter.

I'm glad that I have my friends and Mom, since I feel that I can tell them anything.

Mom and I went to Wal-Mart today, I got 3 new books. That should keep me busy tonight since I'm sure I'll be up all night babysitting the horses making sure they are okay.

The weather channel is saying that we might get up to 8" of rain now, between tonight and in the morning.

So, to all my family and friends in the path of Edouard, take care and let me know your safe after the storm passes. Becareful of the tornadoes, as you know we live in tornado alley!


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