Saturday, May 31, 2008

Concerts and movies

I had a very productive day today. Got up got ready and went out. Mom and I went to Academy where I got a few new t-shirts (as opposed to old?, LOL) for me to wear in the hospital and a new baseball cap. Then we went to Tinseltown and met up with Ashley, Hannah, and her boyfriend Lee and watched Narnia: Prince Caspian. It was really good and I enjoyed it. Afterwards Mom and I went to JC Penny where we got a few more sets of clothes. Then headed home.

This morning I bought 3 tickets to the Carrie Underwood concert thats at Ford Park June 21st. Its going to be cutting it close after having my surgery (June 9th) so I hope I will feel well enough to attend since I already paid for the tickets and because I really really want to go to it! Got pretty good seats too, in the upper bowl, and if your facing the stage its to the left of the stage.

I'm tired now and it felt so good to get out and about.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


This morning I took a shower, got ready, and went exercising!

Took my Ipod and cell and put on some tennis shoes and comfortable clothes. I hadn't done much since May 10th as thats when the nausea started flaring up and getting bad. I started feeling better and not having as many problems with the nausea so back to work I go.

I went to the local intermediate school, they have a red gravel track. I walked a mile.

The first lap, hmm, not to bad.
Second lap, hmmmm, its starting to burn in the calves.
Third lap, hmmm, should I really be doing this?! Its HOT!
Fourth lap, omg, I'm going to MELT and I burn all over ribs down!

The last lap I was competing against myself. It was actually hard to leave the track.. I just wanted to keep going, and going, and going. Just round and round that red gravel. It was like it had some kind of power over me and I just had to keep going. My mind wasn't thinking about anything, just focused on keep walking. Apparently, I made it off the track, LOL.

Then made it to my truck and collapsed into the drivers seat. I had to sit there a few minutes in the air conditioner before driving off.

Went to Wendy's got my Mom and I a bite to eat, dropped Mom's food off to her at work. And now I'm home.

Oh. My. Gosh. My muscles now feel like j-e-l-l-o.

I made a few mental notes too. Need to get up earlier to exercise on the track with this Texas heat and humidity. Wear a baseball cap because my head is going to sunburn since I have so much hair loss. Bring water to drink!

Just a side note. The GYN clinic called me yesterday just to let me know that the TAH (total abdominal hysterectomy) is going to be covered 100% by Cigna since I have already met my deductible for this year.

And my lungs are doing great. My home spiro's are staying around FEV1 2.72 range. Not sure what % of lung function that translates too.


New blog

If you hadn't noticed that all of the previous blogs got posted today. Thats because I set up this new blog and deleted the other. I think the name of this one is more fitting. So the original date of each blog is written at the top of each topic. Hope you enjoy this new one I set up!


Keep Holding On

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Keep Holding On

I'm a little crushed. I just learned that a man that had his double lung transplant a little over a year ago is facing chronic rejection. He is married and has a son that he and his wife adopted. Please keep them in your prayers as they go through this bump in the road.

It makes me very aware that each day is precious and a true gift. Not to take anything for granted. And that the little things are just that LITTLE and not anything to complain about. Someone out there always has it rougher or worse than you.

This song says it.

Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne:

You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late, this could all disappear
Before the doors close
And it comes to an end
With you by my side I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend
Yeah, yeah

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Hear me when I say, when I say I believe
Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

La da da da
La da da da
La da da da da da da da da

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Keep holding on
Keep holding on

There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

New doctor

Sunday, May 25, 2008

New doctor! :)
Hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Nothing like mowing grass, hanging up the American Flag, BBQ'ing, watching the Indy 500, and just hanging out and having a good time.

My nausea is still flared up. I ended up taking phenergan, zofran, then phenergan, then zofran with Ativan again in a little over 3 hours. I don't know why the nausea is flared up. But I don't like it!

Friday, May 23rd. I had my appointment with Dr. Allison Hunt, at 2pm in Houston at Methodist's Smith Tower.

We said "hi" and shake hands. Then I straight out told her that I was wanting a hysterectomy. Her reaction was "whoa". LOL. Guess she wasn't expecting that.

So I told her about my medical history. Talked about all the options out there and why they wouldn't work for me. Said getting a hysterectomy is really my only option unless I want to keep living with the issues I'm having and dealing with it.

So I'll be getting a total abdominal hysterectomy. I'll have a new incision, this one is called a bikini cut, as it will run horizontal right where the bikini line is at.

I'm not sure how long this surgery usually takes. I'll get getting a central line put in, thankfully!

Dr. Hunt doesn't have a problem working with my cardiologist and lung transplant doctor either, so thats great. I might even have to request my GI doctor to come see me as well, depending how my gastroparesis/nausea does.

Dr. Hunt also said that she would be calling me herself 1-2 between now and surgery date to make sure I'm doing okay, not sick, and to confirm her plan or if its going to change. I think she is going to phone Dr. Franklin and Dr. Harish to talk to them about my case between now and then as well.

Sounds like she wants to make sure everything is in order before surgery. I really like this doctor! She doesn't seem intimidated by my health issues either. She is willing to work with my other doctors. I get the feeling from her that she truly wants to help me. That, wanting to really help me, really means the most to me.

Since I live in Orange and not Houston. She said she wanted to get most of the stuff done today so that I didn't have to come back. So I had blood drawn, filled out papers, signed consents, talked to anesthesiologist, ultrasound on the outside of my abdomen to look at uterus/ovaries, pelvic exam and pap smear. I also already got surgical clearance from Dr. Franklin and Dr. Harish.

She said the day of surgery, I will report to the womans floor (main 6 NW) to check in, then go to pre-op holding area, then surgery, then either PACU or ICU (most likely PACU for a few hours, then to the transplant floor as long as there is a bed open there. Or after surgery, I may go straight to the transplant floor. If no beds on transplant floor, I think I will either go to the heart floor or the womans floor.

Not sure how long she expects me to stay in the hospital. We didn't discuss it. But I'm sure I'll stay longer than the normal hysterectomy patient.

Surgery date is June 9th at 8am at Methodist in Houston. I have to be there at 6am. Which means I have to get up at 2am to get there on time!

My transplant nurse also left me a message on my cell. Said that she got me an appointment to see a GYN (a different one from the one they told me to see to begin with) for June 9th at 2pm. Weird, its the same date as my surgery. Anyway, so I had to tell her to cancel that since I have a different doctor and will have surgery that date.

Finally got appointment!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Finally got appointment!
I'm almost afraid if by posting this I will jinx it!

But whatever happens, happens.

I've been working at getting a dang GYN appointment for right at 2 1/2 weeks now.

Apparently nobody sees patients that have 2 insurances, specially if your secondary insurance is Medicaid. My primary is Cigna. So I've learned more than I ever wanted to about insurances lately. I guess I'm working at being a medical dictionary. I'm starting to think I should get paid for this! I got a lotta knowledge up there in my pea brain!

After going through a LONG list of doctors. I finally found one that will see me, at least. While on the phone with a nice nurse (so far, she is nice) I was trying to get an appointment with another doctor, but she said he wouldn't see me cause of the insurance. Then she said, but there is another doctor in this practice that was hired by that doctor that will see you. So after explaining to her my situation with being a lung transplant patient and the advice to get hysterectomy by both my lung and heart doctor and other issues/reasons. Exchange of insurance and other information, finally have a doctor.

I finally have an appointment tomorrow at 2pm in Houston. I only got the appointment so soon because someone canceled. I'm very happy to get the appointment, specially since it took so long to get and has been nothing but stress and headache. But its supposed to be raining tomorrow on the drive there and back. Wonderful.

My lung doctor had told me of a doctor, but they (the GYN clinic he gave me the name of) wouldn't let me set up appointment and I've been having a hard time getting my nurse's assistant to give the referral and straighten everything out. Been after them for over a week. So I just said heck with them and took care of it myself. So I don't know anything about the doctor, and she is new to this practice, but I'm told she is nice and that I will like her from the nurse I talked to today. And no, I haven't told my nurse that I took care of it myself yet.

I'm hoping that this doctor will be good and I like her and will do the hysterectomy for me. As I really don't want to go through trying to find another doctor again. It was heck finding this one.

Not sure why it has to be so complicated sometimes. I'm just glad that I have a clue! Because it looks like if you don't, your pretty much up the creek without a paddle! You really do have to be your own advocate concerning your medical care.

First Barrel Race!

Monday, May 19, 2008

1st Barrel Race!
5/17/2008 I went to a NBHA barrel race in Silsbee. I had a blast! Both my parents went with me along with Buzz, Mom's JRT. I brought Alleyway to ride around on and Ginger to keep Alleyway calm while tied to the trailer. I hadn't been to a barrel race since 2006! Alley did okay. She spooked a lot, but thats expected as she hadn't been rode much in 2 years and before that when she was rode, she didn't get hauled very much. So she spooked at a yellow rope on the ground, 4 wheeler, a shetland pony, a calf roping dummy, water puddle, red plastic solo cup on the ground, the bathrooms, people, and a horse when it was going past her. LOL. But at least she didn't buck me off, she did however buck Dad off, HA!

I got to visit with my horse-y friends. And watched Hannah run her mare Jazz and win the Open 4D. Also got to meet new people. Like Brooke and her daughter Sarah. A couple nice girls named Ashley and Bayleigh too.

I must say, Hannah is a true friend. She knew I was nervous of riding Alleyway of her pulling a stunt. So Hannah switched horses with me for a while and let me ride Jazz while she rode Alleyway. Not many people will let you ride their horse, specially at a barrel race before they ever make their run.

My Dad washed the horse trailer and Mom gave Alley a bath the day before. Now if only I can straighten out my tack are in the trailer, lol.

Also Hannah came over last week and worked on cleaning Ginger's stall out. It was hard work what she accomplished.

And finally today I was given the name of a GYN, Dr. Law, with The Methodist. Tomorrow I have to ask my coordinator Rebecka to get me a referral and set up the apt. for me. Hopefully I will be accepted. And we can get everything straightened out and get the hysterectomy done and over with so I don't have to suffer with that anymore.

Since Saturday afternoon though I have had extra nausea and a bad headache that won't go away. I've been dry heaving a lot and my head feels as if it will explode at times. Its one of those throbbing headaches that just nag nag nag and seem to get worse by the minute. Temperature is normal, and my FEV1 is staying in its normal range. I weighed 109.6 lbs today, so I lost a little bit of weight.

I did get results from my bronch. No signs of infection or rejection! YAY!

I also got calls about the Ginger and Dolly sell ads. I've decided not to sell Ginger unless I absolutely can't afford to care for her. Hopefully next year she will be sound and can run barrels again. But if not, no big deal. I just have to get Cherokee and Alleyway going, it will just take time and patience.

On the way home from the barrel race, we stopped at a fresh fish market and got 5lb of blue catfish. So Sunday we had fried fish, it was good, although I only had a pinch of catfish since I've been extra nauseated and dry heaving. Saturday night we had left over chicken spaghetti with garlic french bread.

Currently I'm updating the blog. Mom is watching Little People on the TLC channel. Dad is at Walmart getting a few things and getting me some Blow Pops, the suckers with gum in the middle, yummy. And maybe some of the Caramel Pops, the suckers that are apple flavored with caramel over the top of it. Buzz is sleeping on the floor and Harley is trying to get attention or into trouble, lol.

Other than being sick starting Saturday afternoon while leaving the barrel race, and still being sick today, Monday. I had a great day at the NBHA! Now I really can't wait to run barrels again!

1st deep tissue massage

Monday, May 12, 2008

1st deep tissue massage
I went and got a deep tissue massage today! OMG it felt so great!

The doctor that did it was a massage therapist first and is now a chiropractor. First he put a heating pad on my back to warm up the muscles to loosen them up and make them easier to work with. Then he did the massage and made a few adjustments to my back, shoulder, and hip. Said my lower back was stiff and by the time he finished it wasn't as stiff and felt soooo good. He said I could come back once a week or once every two weeks! After the massage I got to lay on this table and underneath your back area it has a roller that goes up and down your back "massaging" it as it goes. That thing was cool and felt great! I wanted to take a nap while it was going.

Rebecka, my nurse, was out of the office today but hopefully she will start setting me up with a GYN so I can get the hysterectomy done asap! And give me the results of my fluid sample and biopsy the doctor took of my lungs.

I've got a lot of hits on Ginger's and Dolly's for sell ads today. Hopefully its people with good homes for them.

Update from bronch and weekend

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Update from bronch and weekend

My bronchoscopy last Thursday went well. The IV starter guy came and I found him a good vein in my right hand to stick. It popped up really nicely for him. He dropped a ml of lidocaine on the skin and rubbed it in to help numb it up. Then stuck it and injected the lidocaine. Waited a minute or two and then inserted the IV. Got it on the first try! And didn't feel a thing! All I felt was a little sting when the lidocaine was injected. Then a small sting when he was adjusting the IV line to encourage blood to come out. He drew 3 vials of blood. Then they started up my antibiotic drip.

Before they put me on the bronch table the IV starter guy, Mark, came back. He said that my nurse failed to put the labels on the tubes of blood when she sent them off so the lab wouldn't run them even though they were in a bag together with a paper that had my name and information on it. So he drew blood from my left arm below the bend in the elbow. He did the same routine to draw the blood that he did to put in my IV so it didn't hurt and I was just glad that the vein he got gave all the blood he needed. Because the week before that same vein collapsed and they didn't get enough blood and had to stick me in another vein to get the rest.

Then I was placed on the bronch table. Covered with a sheet and a towel over my chest area to keep from getting wet when they do the lavage (flush out the lungs with sterile saline). The respiratory nurse first gave me 5mg versed and 100 of fentanyl. Ha! This only gave me the "relaxed" feeling and I was still very much wide awake. The doctor then said to give me 5mg more of versed. Then I started to drift off. They ended up giving me 15mg versed (sedation med) and 450 of fentanyl (pain med), to keep me sedated. I'm always very hard to sedate! Since they had to give me so much, in recovery I had to have a bed by the nurse's station with my curtain open so the nurses could watch me closely. Nurse said I was taking 9-12 breaths a minute and normal is 20-25 breaths a minute. I also woke up very nauseated and dry heaving so they had to give me both phenergan and zofran to stop that.

I didn't get a chance to talk to Dr. Harish about hysterectomy. But my Mom did and he said that he would find me a GYN and get back to me. So looks likes are lights are "go" to get that done. I'll be so glad once its over with!

Dr. Harish took fluid samples from the flushing and a biopsy from the right lung. I should find out results soon. He said that the left lung, where the stent was at. There is scar tissue closing off part of the air way but didn't want to do anything to it at this time as its not effecting my breathing yet and my PFT (lung function) numbers are still the highest they have been. He also thinks that it could heal up on its own in time. Will just monitor and watch it for now.

About 15min after I was awake I drank a sip of Sprite, dressed, and Mom and I were on our way home. We stopped at Burger King and ate.

Once we got back into town. I begged Mom to take me to TSC. We looked around and I got a purple halter with a purple multi-colored matching lead rope. Later we went to Walmart to pick up a few things. I got 3 books to read. I've already started reading one. I love to read.

Saturday Mom took me to Sams Western Store so I could get some Electro Dex for the horses. I also got a new bit for Alleyway, I hope it works for her! She needs her teeth floated first though. And got her a new halter. Its a ty-dyed halter with matching lead rope. Mom also cooked a brisket on the BBQ pit to eat for Mothers Day.

My right hand, where the IV was at. Is all swollen twice its normal size! It has phlebitis I guess. Can't wait for the swelling to be gone!

Sunday I gave mom a card and cookbook. Chase gave her a vase of pretty day lilies. Dad got her a carrot cake.

Mom has done so much for me! I'm so thankful for her being my Mom! She put everything on hold for herself so that she could care for me.

Hopefully this week I'll get some word about getting a GYN and get the ball rolling on that.

And hope I get to get that free 30min relaxation massage! Oooo!

Update from cardiologist, bronchoscopy is Thursday, and another surgery soon!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Update from cardiologist, Bronchoscopy is Thursday, and another surgery soon!

I went to the cardiologist today, at Baylor in Houston. Cardiologist did EKG and it looked great, just showed that I had some tachycardia. Heart rate was 103. Told him that the heart medicine wasn't lasting 24hrs like its supposed to. He told me to take the 100mg like I have been in the morning then 12hrs later take 50mg. And give it 1-2 weeks to see if it will work for me. And to see him in 6 months for check up. He was very pleased with how things are going.

I showed him my lump thats on my right lower side. He thinks that it is from the Lovenox injections and should heal up and go away. Said to show my lung transplant doctor Thursday when I see him for my bronchoscopy.

I also talked to him about getting a hysterectomy. I told him I don't have a doctor/surgeon yet for it and that I'm getting it done as soon as the lung transplant doctor says I can. He said that he would talk to my transplant doctor to see if it will be done at Methodist or St. Lukes (Both in Houston's medical center) and they will decide who will the the surgeon/doctor/OBGYN for me for that. Cardiologist says I could have it done in a month or two he thinks, as long as my bronchoscopy has good results and everything is going well. And when I get it done he wants to know about it and be on my case as he wants to be there for me to monitor my heart and overall health. And my transplant doctor will be there as well for my lungs.

I guess I'll find out more on Thursday when I go for my bronchoscopy. It will be at 10am, but I have to be there at 8am! Which means I have to get up really early! They will be looking and taking a biopsy. When I got home from the cardiologist the transplant nurse had left me a message on my answering machine, so I called her back and got the bronch scheduled.

Oh, and my Mom is a nurse and works for a doctor. The doctor's son is also a doctor but was first a licensed massage therapist, and he said he would give me 30min relaxation massage for free! I can't wait to get the massage! Its going to feel so good! I'm really really excited about it.

After seeing the cardiologist Mom and I ate at Luby's. MMmm, it was so good! I had fish, spanish rice, mac n cheese, roasted red skin potatoes, roll, and carrot cake for dessert. I wasn't able to eat the majority of it, as I can only eat a few bites of food at a time. So I took it home in a to-go box along with the pinto beans that Mom didn't eat, lol. I'll be eating on this meal for the next couple of days, haha.

My back is healing up, it still hurts but not as bad. I just have to stay off the horses and take it easy until it no longer hurts.

This has been a busy week for me! I went to transplant clinic this past Friday, then today the heart doctor, and Thursday I'm getting a bronch! I don't know what day I'm getting the massage, it was going to be tomorrow or Friday, but I think I'll get it done next week now, after all the apts are over so I can just relax.

Those that missed it, I have an update somewhere on here an update from when I went to transplant clinic. Lungs are doing great! 95% lung function! Only thing they were concerned about was the creatinine(sp) was at the higher end of normal. Its a kidney test. They are hoping I was just a little dehydrated and thats why its up. They gave me a Rx for something that I can take for the migraines and menstrual cramps on the worst 2 days. Can't take it more than that because he said its either too hard on the kidneys or the liver with the anti-rejection medicines I'm on.

So, I'll be having another surgery soon, its a MUCH needed one. I've been having issues with my cycles since I was 16yo. But they put me on birth control which made all the bad issues I was having stop. Then I got blood clots and can't go back on birth control so the problems started up again shortly after transplant. I just had so many other things going on that we all ignored the cycle problems. Now I'm better and the issues are causing major problems. And I'm tired of dealing with it all so am finally ready to be done with it and get it taken care of so I can really enjoy my life and get back to doing things.

I weighed 114 lbs today . And the cardiologist said I look really good, the best he has ever seen me he says!

Lung transplant clinic is over!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Lung transplant clinic is over!
And what a long day it was! I got up at 5:30am. Left the house at 6:10am. Got into a lot of traffic on the way.

Started out with blood work on 5th floor of Smith Tower. They stuck me the first time on my right arm at the bend of the elbow. It gave some, then shut down. So a different lady came and poked me on my left arm in the bend of the elbow. A really slow stream came out. She had to use a syringe to pull the blood out and it still came out slow, but steady. Finally got enough for all the test tubes to be filled.

Next, I went to 5th floor on Scurlock Tower to get my chest xray. This took about 15min and we got out of there and headed to the main Methodist building in the hospital. Went to 9th floor for the pulmonary testing. I did the lung function test and it showed my FEV1 is 3.05, which meant I have 95% lung function. I opted not to do the 6 minute walk as my back still hurts from when I hurt it riding Alleyway.

Since it was 10am we had time to head on down to the caferteria and I got a lemonade and BBQ baked lays chips and Mom got a drink and apple pie. Ate our snacks then headed back to Smith Tower to the transplant clinic at 10:40am

Finally got pulled back into a room after 1pm. They took my vitals. Blood pressure was 137/84, heart rate was 120, O2 saturation was 99%.

Talked to Rebecka, post-transplant coordinator, and the Fellow. Then talked to Dr. Kesavan. Everything looks good. My creatinin(sp) was a little elevated so they are going to watch that. And he wants to do a bronchoscopy on me to just take a look-see. They also gave me a Rx for antibiotic to get my teeth cleaned, and one to take during my menstrual cycles when I get the dang migraines. As soon as I'm strong enough and doctors agree, I'll be getting a hysterectomy. They hadn't got back my Prograf results yet, but doctor thought it might be a little bit high. Said someone would call if I need to change anything.

On the way home Mom and I went to Luby's in Houston. I had Chicken fried chicken, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes with brown gravy and a roll. And of course carrot cake for dessert. Mom had liver and mushrooms/onions on top, mashed potatoes with brown gravy, roll, and butter beans. Of course I can only eat a few bites so took majority of mine home and ate on it for snack, dinner, and breakfast for today, lol. Yum-o!

Tuesday I see the cardiologist. I'm sure Dr. Franklin will adjust my medicine dosage around a bit.

Today is Kentucky Derby day! So watching that! I wonder if this year will be a Triple Crown winner? The names I'm liking for the Derby are Pyro, Court Vision, Colonel John, Geyego, Eight Belles (have to root for the filly!), and a few others. I also like Big Brown but not sure he will be a Triple Crown winner with his hoof problems. Then there is Big Truck, Z Humor, Z Fortune, Tale Of Ekati, and others.

All my friends are in DeRidder, La. and the TLBRA (Texas-Louisiana Barrel Racing Assoc.), I think its a $10,000 added barrel race. Its a 3-day barrel race. Hannah is going to be a barrel setter for $8/hr. I heard that she won some money on Jazz last night in one of the incentives. Rachael had a nice run so is planning on running today. Haven't heard how anyone else is doing yet.

Lung transplant clinic schedule

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lung transplant clinic schedule
I got an email back from Jackie. Here is my schedule for Friday, May 2, when I go to Houston to see my pulmonary transplant doctor at The Methodist Hospital.

9am- Blood work. Smith Tower.

9:30am- Chest x-ray. Scurlock Tower.

10am- Pulmonary function test and 6 minute walk. Main building.

11am- See Doctor. Smith Tower.

Bits, bits, bits

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bits, bits, bits

Above are a few pictures of me riding Alleyway from a few weeks ago! No using my pictures for anything without my permission, thank you.

Which bit should I try first?

I have Alley in a Little S hackamore. She does good in it, but I'm not getting the exact results that I want/looking for. I'm thinking I'll use the Little S for the house while exercising her and something else for barrel work. I need something with a little more lift and a tad more whoa than the Little S.

These are the bits that I have:

Martha Josey Start to Finish, with chain mouth piece, it has a rope nose. (looks very similar to a Hodges Futurity bit)

Jr. Cow Horse, smooth snaffle mouth piece

Jr. Cow Horse, twisted wire with dog bone mouth piece.

Sweet Six rope nose combo with twisted wire and dog bone mouth piece.

Sherry Cervi Short Shank Diamond Lifter with twisted wire and dog bone mouth piece

Martha Josey Million Dollar bit (short shank rope nose combo with twisted wire and dog bone mouth piece)

O-ring, smooth snaffle mouth piece

D-ring, smooth snaffle mouth piece

Full Check snaffle - smooth snaffle mouth piece

Short Shank Lifter with twisted wire mouth piece

I have a draw bit too, off hand I can't remember if its a smooth snaffle mouth piece or twisted wire.

Short shank and long shank Mechinal hackamore. Have rope noses.

Long Shank rope nose combo with twisted wire and dog bone mouth piece.

Lynn McKenzie rawhide rope nose combo with twisted wire mouth piece, I think its long shank.

Fast Stop

"Breaking" hackamore

Side pull, can't remember if its with a smooth snaffle bit or if its without a bit or if I have both, lol.

and finally:

O-ring rope nose combo with twisted wire and dog bone mouth piece.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm stuck on the dog bone mouth pieces ROFL. Hannah knows!

I've also thought about a Hodges Futurity bit ( can't decide on either chain mouth piece, twisted wire, or twisted wire and dog bone mouth piece) and a Tender Touch with lifesaver mouth piece and a Touch Plus (not sure what mouth piece) I don't have either one of these bits, but they will be my next bits to buy, lol.

Anyway, of course that opens a whole new can of worms. Alley is retarded! Grrr. She thinks her tongue is supposed to go OVER the bit instead of under. I've tried just turning her out in roundpen with a o-ring and had it tight to where there were lots of wrinkles in her lip thinking that the higher it was in her mouth she wouldn't be able to get her tongue over it and would do that for a while until she got used to carrying the bit right then loosen it where it should go and start back to riding her. That didn't work, she still got tongue over bit. She seriously thinks her tongue is supposed to go over the bit. When you put a bit in her mouth she even picks her tongue up so that the bit will go under it. Thats one of the reasons I use a Little S on her, nothing to go in the mouth. I guess I'll put a o-ring on her and then tie it up to where the bit is up against the roof of her mouth with hay string and let her pack it like that and see if she will get used to it, I saw it in a training book once. Obviously you don't ride them while the bit is tied up in the mouth like that. Any other ideas?

And I can't ride again anyways until my back is healed up.

Hurt back

April 29
Hurt back
Thats right. I hurt my back yesterday afternoon. Ugh.

I was feeling good so decided to ride Alleyway. She was doing so well and so focused for me! Specially as it was feeding time and all the other ponies were getting fed and eating while she was working. After walking and trotting her though the barrel pattern several times I decided to slow lope her through the pattern. First time through we did okay, but could have done a lot better. Second time. She was doing perfect! Was picking up the correct leads, nice sized pockets, and was rating in the correct places. Then on the back side of the 2nd barrel I popped up out of the saddle and when I came back down into the saddle it jammed my back. It hurt. I had to then pull up Alley and get off of her. Had to have my Mom un-saddle her, turn her out, and give her dinner. Alleyway was confused as to why we didn't finish the pattern but didn't care much as she much prefers eating over working, ROFL.

Normally that wouldn't cause an injury. But my bones are weak from my medicines, mainly Prednisone, and my muscles are weak and out of shape as well. Guess I'll add this to my list of things to discuss with the doctor this Friday.

I still have yet to get my clinic schedule in the mail. So emailed Jackie, the transplant assistant, asking for the time I need to have blood drawn, xray, PFT, and what time to see the doctor. Hopefully will hear something from her soon. If not I'll have to give her a ring.

Hooray its Friday

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hooray its friday!
Finally friday, what a day!

When Mom got off work this afternoon we went to Walmart. I got some new shampoo, Mom got some other things. Then we headed over to Goody's and I got some really cute shirts, a couple shorts, a nice blue polka dot towel robe, and cute Skechers sandals to go with one shirt I got and some tennis shoes. Mom got some really cute Skechers flip flops. I also got some really cute hoop black butterfly earrings.

Then went to Sonic and got a chocolate shake.

Yesterday I gave Pacman a bath. Both Charlie and Nacho were trying to get in on the water part! They love being hosed down in the spring/summer! Afterwards I tied Pacman up to a tree, only to go check on him 10min. later to find that the halter and lead rope were still tied to the tree and Pacman was happily standing in his lean-to shed. I don't know how he sliped his halter off as he has almost out grown it! Got him haltered and brushed off then took a picture of him wearing his halter that his previous owner made for him. Its a yearling sized bronc halter that has a lime green star in the center with "Spoiled Rotten" written across it in lime crystals. Sent a picture to his previous owner.

Time for shots

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Time for shots day begins!

I received the shots for the dogs and horses today.

Harley, Buzz, Sparky, Buck, Sandy, Lilo, and Pooh all got their DA2PP.

Scooter Bug, Shady, Pacman, Charlie, and Nacho got their Triple EFT.

Later this afternoon I will most likely give Sioux and Eno their Triple EFT.

I had the halter on Nacho and of course Charlie was interested in the shots I had laying on a barrel nearby and as I was trying to give Nacho his shot Charlie grabbed one of the shots and took off running with it. So had to let go of Nacho and chase and holler at Charlie to drop it. Then Nacho realized he was loose but had this "monster" attached to him (halter and lead rope) so took off running and bucking and Charlie joined in. Pacman watched them while giving them the look of "stupid". Once Nacho and Charlie settled down, got Nacho gave him his shot then got Charlie and gave him his.

Surprisingly Scooter and Shady were easy to catch.

April 22, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 22 2008, Tuesday

I went to Farmers Mercantile, feed store, today. Had to get a load of grain and sack of dog food. On the way there I got nauseated, but it eased up once I got into some air conditioner of Mom's work. Then changed out trucks with hers and got mine to pick the grain up in.

Its 91 degrees today! Gah, hot humid summer days and nights are a coming!

Got home and called the TACH clinic (Texas Adult Congenital Heart, its inside Baylor) to schedule an appointment with Dr. Franklin. The earliest they could fit me in is May 6th if I didn't get that date it would be middle of July before I could get in. So I see Dr. Franklin May 6th at 11am. Then I called to reschedule my transplant clinic appointment. Its set for May 2nd. Jackie will be mailing me the details of the appointment, it will be an all day thing I'm sure.

Other details for today. Buzz (JRT) found a dead skunk...great. I don't think he rolled on it though, as he doesn't smell. And Harley is still being a brave girl and following me around outside.


Monday, April 21, 2008


I finally got a hold of the lung transplant coordinator assistant to get my appointment scheduled. Its going to be May 6th, Jackie will mail me the details. Took me so long to contact her that I emailed her and Rebecka, my post lung coordinator. Rebecka emailed me back saying that they are having a change of positions and she is now going to be an in-patient coordinator. So I'll be getting a new post lung coordinator. -sighs- I liked the way it was. I hope the new post coordinator will be a good one, one that I can get along with.

Also just ordered horse and dogs vaccines. There went $204 really fast. Eh. Still have to get WNV (West Nile Virus) vaccines, rabies shots for dogs, heart guard for the dogs, get some colts gelded, and some horses freeze branded. Nope, haven't totaled that up yet to see the grand amount..

What a weeken

Monday April 21, 2008

what a weekend

Saturday went to Beaumont and went to Academy, got a new pair of shoes there. Then went to Petsmart and got Harley and Buzz some pig rawhide chewies that has stuffing in the center of it. And a new water bottle for the bunnies, Rex and Bugs. Then went to TSC and got a bag of Calf Manna for Ginger. Afterwards went to mall and got Mom new pair of shoes and couple shirts for each of us. Got a lemonade to drink.

Also visited my Aunt and Uncle as they got a new RV and its really cool! Has a lot of space and lots of ceiling room, and has the slide out sides for more room! Really neat. They are taking it to their lake place and will stay in that while they are building their lake house. Aunt will soon be retiring and they want to have a nice place to get away too when the weather is nice.

Today I'm waiting on the transplant center to call me back so I can make appointment.

I'm hoping to do something outside today too while the weather in nice. Supposed to rain later this week.

Oh and Harley is such a brave little girl now! Before she when I let her outside she is really scared and will stay on the porch or very close to the porch and if something scares her she will run to the door and want back inside. Well Saturday she changed, like a snap of the fingers! It was weird, I thought it would be a slow process. I walked to the rabbit hutch and looked down and there she was right by my side! I said "good girl" and gave her a pet on the head, didn't want to make too much of a fuss over it thinking if I did she would run back to the house. Then I went on about my business walking to the water tank in the big pasture then to the barn and Harley followed me everywhere staying right next to me. Then Sunday, I thought it was just a fluke and she wouldn't come out in the yard with me. Well, she proved me wrong. She followed me all over the yard and even ventured off a ways from me but still close to me at the same time. She looks funny running around outside cause she is so small. Before to get her to walk away from the house I would have to put a leash on her. Now I have to just watch her good when we are outside so that she stays out of the pastures and away from horses as she doesn't know about them yet.

Dinner on me

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dinner on me
Tonight I made dinner...So far we are all still living, lol. If you know me, you know I can't cook!

I made a turkey breast cooked in an oven bag. I put tony's seasoning on it, couple strips of bacon, sprinkled parsley on top for looks. Cut up celery and a yellow onion and put around turkey. Then mixed in a little garlic powder with the one can of chicken broth. And added a half bag of baby carrots. Yum! For sides I made the instant stove top cornbread dressing, sweet potatoes with butter, brown sugar, and marshmallows. Also made purple hull peas with yellow onion and cut up bacon, salt, pepper, and garlic powder for taste. Then had a small can of sliced pineapple for dessert. The turkey came out tender, juicy, and oh so yummy!

Yesterday I messed with the three 2yos. I put a halter on Pacman (my appaloosa) and tied him to a tree and brushed him. He had a couple of wind knots in his mane. I even took the hand held cordless clippers and trimmed his whiskers, under his jaw, and his bridle path! He didn't even flinch! Charlie (my breeding stock paint) let me clip the whiskers on his top lip between his nostrils. And Nacho (paint) sniffed the clippers while they were turned on and let me brush me.

I called and left a message with the transplant coordinator assistant to call me back to see when I need to see doctor again and to schedule appointment, but so far haven't heard back from her. Guess I'll have to call again tomorrow.

Well, guess I'd better get off laptop and go put leftovers in the fridge, turn off tv, and get to bed.

Until next time,

Good Weekend

Monday April 14, 2008

good weekend

I had a great weekend! Watched movies and messed with the horses! My new bunnies are growing up fast! I've named them Rex and Bugs Bunny! They seem to love their hutch outside and eating grass and getting the occasional treat of a saltine cracker. Harley seems to enjoy going outside with me. Alleyway is still over weight, working on that by watching her diet and giving her exercise. I didn't get to ride today, but hoping to ride sometime soon. I really need to mess with Charlie, Nacho, Pacman, Toast, and Taco. Charlie's wound is healing up really good.


Monday April 14, 2008
I guess I'll start at the beginning and give some background information. I'll try to make it short, but its still going to be long!

I've been riding horses since I was little. I still have my first horse High Chief. I got him when I was 3yo and he was 2yo. I played soccer, did ballet and tap dancing, rode horses and competed in rodeos and barrel races. Also do fishing, canoing, 4 wheelers, biking, going to movies, out to eat, and love to shop for new horse stuff, lol.

I graduated high school in May 2002. The following Monday I started college, majoring in nursing and working towards my BSN. I also had a part time job at a doctor's office. And in summers I worked in the hay fields and hay barns to store hay for the winter for my horses.

I've always been in tip top shape and able to do anything I wanted. Then in Feb. 2006 I started having problems breathing. At first it wasn't that bad. I thought I just had a respiratory cold that was going around. Took some antibiotics and went on with life. A few weeks later it wasn't getting better. So I decided that I was just getting out of shape. Being a college student and not playing soccer anymore, I thought this was the problem. So at graining time, instead of walking from pasture to pasture, barn to barn, and what not, I started jogging. This didn't help.

Then slowly things that use to be very easy I noticed were getting harder. Walking from the hay barn to horse barn left me breathing hard. In May 2006 I went to a barrel race in Buna. I made my run on Ginger, had a 16.7 second run, but hit the 2nd barrel. When I came out of the arena I couldn't catch my breath and was so depleted of air that I had to be lead on my mare back to my horse trailer. I had to have my Dad un-saddle and cool out my horse while I sat on the ground gasping for breath.

That Monday I was taken to the doctor. He thought it was asthma, put me on a medrol dose pack and reffered me to an asthma/allergy specialist. I went to the asthma doctor 2 weeks later for my appointment. He immediately put me in the hospital for 3 days on steroids and around the clock breathing treatments.

During the summer I was placed on all types of inhalers and high doses of prednisone to try to help my breathing and stop the wheezing. Nothing helped. I did allergy skin and blood testing, that came up empty handed. I was then sent to a pulmonologist that wouldn't even order a chest xray or CT scan. This whole time I just knew it wasn't asthma and breathing was getting worse.

I went back to my local doctor and he sent me to see a pulmonologist in Houston. This doctor told me that he didn't know what was wrong but that he would find out what was wrong. That same day I had a chest xray, blood work, and chest CT done. I got a call the next day saying that they found something on the CT scan and for me to pack a bag that I would be admitted to the hospital. It was a blood clot in my lung and they noticed something not right with my heart. I was placed on blood thinners and had EKGs and a echocardiogram done. This was in July 2006. The doctor said he thought all the breathing problems were related to the blood clot in my lung and that I needed to see a cardiologist about my heart asap and would be moved from Herman Memorial SouthWest to St. Luke's to see a cardiologist that had experience with my type of heart defect. With further testing before I was transferred they found that I had a blood clot behind my right knee and one in my left ankle. I was moved to St. Lukes. Since I had to change hospitals, I had to get a new pulmonologist as well. I had lots more tests done. And it was determined that I had a congenital heart defect known as partial anomalous pulmonary venous return to the superior vena cava. Which is rare and made even rarer by the fact that I didn't have any holes. I had 2 anomalous veins that were as big as the vena cava and they needed to clamp one off and re-route the other to my left atruim. I was re-circulating 90% of my blood instead of it getting pumped out to the body. And was told that if I didn't have surgery to correct it, it would cause more problems and would eventually leave me in a wheel chair as I wouldn't be able to breathe to walk across the room to turn on a light switch. So heart surgery was scheduled for Dec. 21 after I was done with the college semester.

My breathing kept going down hill. Around Thanksgiving I could no longer keep up with the nurses during my clinical rotations and couldn't concentrate during lectures to write notes. My heart rate was really fast as well. Mom picked me up and took me to St. Luke's. I was admitted and put in ICU. They put me on an IV drip to control my heart rate. I had a toilet next to the bed and every time I got out of bed to use it my heart rate would go up to 180 beats a minute and at rest if was 125 beats a minute. I only had 2 weeks left of the college semester, but I couldn't finish. Finally December came and I was admitted a couple days before the day of my heart surgery was to take place. My breathing was so bad that they were afraid to put me under anesthesia that once they put me on a breathing machine they wouldn't be able to wean me off of it. My cardiologist and heart surgeon got together and decided that I did not have asthma. So the cardiologist had another pulmonologist see me, Dr. Seethamraju, but he really didn't get to do much as the surgeon moved me to Texas Children's so that a pulmonologist that he worked with and trusted could see me. Dr. Moore confirmed that I didn't have asthma and did more testing on me. He also put me on oxygen 24/7. He didn't want to diagnose me until he talked my case over with his co-worker so sent me home for the holiday.

Jan. 3, 2007 I went back to see Dr. Moore. He told me I had a very rare lung disease called Bronchiolitis Obliterans. Its common for someone to have this post lung transplant, and is also known as chronic rejection in lung transplant patients. It is very rare to have in your own lungs, and especially so at my age of 22yo, at this time I was 23yo. I was told that I would need a lung transplant and that there was no cure for this lung disease. I was then sent back to Dr. Seethamraju. He said that my lung function was currently 28%. He wanted to get me evaluated for transplant and placed on the waiting list asap and then try other things to help my breathing. So a week later I did all the evaluation test and then was started on experimental treatment of IVIG. I had to get IVIG 4 days in a row once a month. Feb. 15, 2007 I was officially listed on the transplant waiting list for double lung. My lung function then was 14%. With the help of IVIG the progression of the BO was slowed down. By this time I was bed ridden. I also used a Bi-Pap machine to help me breathe.

The end of May I was admitted to The Methodist Hospital with kidney stones. Dr. Harish (Seethamraju), said that I would be discharged home the next day. Then on June 4, 2007 at 3:15am the on-call lung coordinator called me and said they had a set of lungs for me! I went into surgery at 1:45pm and was out of surgery at 7pm. The lungs looked wonderful and I'm told were a perfect match for me! The donor is a male, around my age, a little taller than me, and weighed more than I did. I also had my heart surgery and they also removed the 3rd lung that I had. It was about the size of a grape fruit.

Recovery was hard as I developed Gastroparesis from the transplant surgery. Which means my stomach nerve was damaged during surgery and left me unable to digest things correctly. So I had a Nissen Fundoplication and Plyoroplasty done to help with this. Later I had a feeding tube placed to help me get nutrition as I couldn't eat much without getting sick and had lost a lot of weight and got down to 89 lbs. Then I had gall bladder problems and had to have it removed. I had 2 drains from this surgery and when the 2nd one was removed it tore a hole in my common duct bile and leaked bile into my abdomen and caused peritonitis. So I had to have 2 biliary stents placed. Later in Dec. 2007 I had them removed. Also about August 2007 the anastomosis site where the donor lung attached to my bronchial tube on the left side, totally collapsed and left me breathing with just my right lung. I went into surgery where the doctor couldn't help me. So I was woke up and moved to another OR with my lung transplant doctor and surgeon where they found a small opening with a wire and inflated the lung and placed a stent in it. I then had to get a bronchoscopy every couple of weeks to get the stent and lungs cleaned out. I've also had a fungal infection, called Rhizopus, which was taken care of with fungal medication. And have also dealt with double pneumonia.

In Feb. 2008 I had to have my feeding tube changed out as it was causing a lot of pain. Then in March 2008 I finally was able to have the pulmonary stent removed from my left bronchial tube. Currently I have 97% lung function and my new lungs are doing very well! I take about 40 pills a day, luckily I can crush them and put them down my J-tube (feeding tube) so I don't have to swallow them all. And my gastroparesis is getting better. I had a gastric empty study done a few months ago and it showed that my stomach is working normally now. But I will most likely always have some digesting problems and need to eat foods that are easily digested. I still see doctors frequently and have blood work and pulmonary function test done to monitor my lungs and other things.

I bought a yearling appaloosa gelding around September 2007 while I was still in the hospital. And my dog Tinkerbell died a few months after my surgery. I have since got a new dog, Harley, a rat terrier/chihuahua mix. And Ginger, my finished barrel horse got hurt in Feb. running in the mud in the pasture.

I've been riding Alleyway and Cherokee quite a bit lately. And was so happy when I was finally cleared in middle Jan. this year to ride faster than a walk and he also said that I can run barrels again! Now I just have to get a horse going on barrels and get them and myself in shape!

I can ride the horses. But my parents feed and hay them and clean their stalls so that I don't get the dust or pick up a fungus in my lungs.

I have named my lungs Thomas and Mack from the famous NFR arena in Las Vegas. I've also got myself and my donor's family a butterfly necklace to honor him and his wonderful gift to me. A butterfly sorta looks like a set of lungs and also represents a beautiful change.

Right now things are going well and I can't wait to get back to running at barrel races! I feel good and am getting more and more check ups as outpatients rather than inpatients.


Monday April 14, 2008
I've decided to give this blog thing a try. We shall see how it goes. Hopefully I'll be able to keep people updated better by doing this and not have to spend so much time writing updates in so many emails or forums. I'll be updating on here about my life, horses, and everything in between. Feel free to leave comments/feedback. I'm really new to this so it might take a while before I get this site and everything figured out on here, LOL.