Sunday, June 8, 2008

Surgery tomorrow

What a day, what a day!

Didn't get much sleep last night because of the menstrual cramps and along with that the same unbearable pain I've had before by my feeding tube is back. Not sure if its a kidney stone or what. But it started to hit me at 2am. I'm taking pain medicine every 3 hours and all it does is makes it tolerable. If I turn a certain way or take a deep or fast breath is has a shooting sharp pain run through my left side. Ugh. I can't wait for tomorrow to hurry up and get here. Hopefully get this new side pain fixed and say bye-bye to horrible periods!

Last night Mom and I walked 2 miles around the track. I wanted to keep walking some more but Mom's knees and feet were hurting her. The bottom of my feet were burning too, but I still wanted to keep walking. It was fun, we talked about so many things. I wanted to keep walking so that we could keep talking and enjoying the afternoon. But, we had to get back home so I could take my medicines and get the horses taken care of and tucked into bed. We did stop by WalMart on the way home and got some last minute stuff to bring to hospital. I got 2 DVDs for Mom and I to watch.

I finished packing for the hospital stay today. This afternoon will put my bags in the truck.

Yesterday watched the Belmont Stakes, hoping to see Big Brown win, hoping he would so that I would get to see my first Triple Crown winner. It was a disappointing finish, Big Brown placed last, he was pulled up by his jockey. His jockey felt that he had no horse under him and he wasn't running his game or being his self and he was almost kicked from being to close behind another horse, so was pulled up. Da'Tara won the Belmont Stakes. So this year marks 30 years since the last Triple Crown winner. Maybe next year there will be an awesome colt to break it! To be a Triple Crown winner, you must win the Kentucky Derby, a few weeks later win the Preakness Stakes, and lastly another more weeks and win the Belmont Stakes.

Today I've kept myself hooked up to feeding tube stuff. Normally I only run it at night while I'm sleeping with 3 cans of tube feeding nutrition and about 200ml of water. Well, I did that last night. And then this morning I put in 1 can of the nutrition and the rest, about 900ml of water. I did this to keep my hydrated and because at midnight I have to go NPO (nothing to eat or drink) so I'm doing it during the day so that when I go to bed I don't have to worry about it or have to wake up at midnight to turn it off. Its easier this way for me.

Tonight, my last meal is going to be chicken stir fry with carrots, broccoli, onions, squash, water chestnuts, mushrooms, radish, and sliced up garlic clove. Served over rice and of course with soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce, YUMMY! For dessert I will have a piece of cake most likely.

We are getting up at 2am. Leaving the house at 3:30am. Check in at 6am on Main 6 NW, I think this is the woman's floor. Surgery is scheduled for 8am. Its at The Methodist Hospital. After surgery I should go to the transplant floor on Dunn4 as long as there is a bed available.

I'm excited for surgery to hurry up and get it done and over with! No more pain! (Once I'm healed anyway, lol). Then I have a LOT of plans to do with the horses! I don't think I'm going to get much sleep tonight at all!

Oh, can't believe I almost forgot! I ordered new horse stuff today! I LOVE getting new tack/horse stuff! I got front and rear pair of Legacy Classic Equine purple boots for Ginger, she needs new ones badly! Her old pair of purple Professional Choice SMB lls are 13yrs old! I also got her a new floral painted browband headstall and matching tie down (nose band). Also ordered horse de-wormers for the everyone. I'm guessing it will get delivered while I'm still at the hospital. Oh, well, Dad will be here.

Also have to have Dad ship off the package to Lexi, its foal halters for her newborn foal Remedy! I hope she can use them and they fit Remedy Ann!

And I have finished another book today. Its titled "Riding Lessons". Its about a woman and her daughter move back to her parents farm as her father is dying. So she buys a rescue horse who happens to be a full brother to her horse from her childhood. The twist to the story is the horse she bought, was supposed to be dead, died in a fiery trailer accident so the owner could collect insurance monies on him because he found out the horse has a joint disease and he also lost his left eye. But the horse got away somehow, so the owners "re-created" the horrific accident and burned another horse to death so that the autopsy person couldn't' tell that it wasn't the correct horse. And AnnieMarie figured out the plot. In the end she ends back with her horse named Hurrah, full brother to her childhood horse named Harry. Harry had died in an accident and supposedly Harry and Hurrah are very rare color of chestnut brindled horses. So AnnieMarie also gets her daughter Eva a horse, an yearling Arabian filly named Flicka who had a dislocated shoulder and was found in the kill pen who was abused by horse tripping. (people get horse running as fast as they can, then rope their legs, and knock them down) At the very end of the book AnnieMarie is getting up the courage to ride Hurrah. She gets her tack ready and is getting Hurrah ready and thats the end. So you can speculate that she rides him. AnnieMarie hasn't rode since the riding accident with Harry, she was jumping him in an event and he broke his neck and afterwards she never rode again... until now? Also AnnieMarie is newly divorced. Her husband already has a girlfriend, named Sonja. And AnnieMarie and Dan, the vet and founder of the horse rescue, start dating.

I'm hoping to read the next book called "Flying Changes" to find out if she rides Hurrah and what becomes of Eva and Flicka. And if the relationship between Dan and AnnieMarie goes anywhere. Unless this is the book I should have read first that lead up to everything I read in "Riding Lessons"! I hope its the continued book of Riding Lessons though so I can see what happens! Plan on taking it to the hospital with me to read. That and another book called "Lost Souls".

Hopefully next post I'll be recovering from surgery and doing well!

1 comment:

kbryan said...

Hi there. I've seen your posts on HC, and one of your many admirers. I still think that Toast was the cutest foal ever pictured on HC!

I read both of the books you mentioned, can't quite remember all the details though. If I run across any good horsie books, I'll send them to you.

You have a tough week ahead of you, but I know that you will get though this. It sucks being in pain!

How have you managed to exercise in this heat? I'm in Houston, and I melt when I go outside (but then, I'm quite a bit older than you are). Good for you for getting out there, sounds like you were making fast progress in building up your muscles and endurance.

You will be in many peoples prayers, so don't disappoint us - stay strong and have a speedy, smooth recovery. We are a needy group, and look forward to updates about your health & horses.

Take care,