Saturday, October 4, 2008

Post Hurricane Ike update

Hi all!

I've been very busy so haven't got to update in a while. So this will be a little long.

We have had a lot of storms lately. Gustov and Ike. Ike damaged a lot of things. Mom and evacuated from Gustov but we all stayed home for Ike. Didn't have a place to go with all the horses and Sioux was sick.

Some how Sioux also got a cut during the Hurricane. Shortly after the storm passed our vet came out to my house and laid Sioux to sleep. She is now buried and resting forever peacefully in our hayfield.

Sioux is very missed by my family and myself. She was 23yo and was with us for 14yrs. She gave me MANY wonderful memories and 3 babies. I still have 2 of her colts.

My cousin had an accident while playing and fractured his head and hurt his shoulder and leg. After giving everyone a good scare, looks like he will be just fine and not need any surgery. They are still waiting on more tests to determine if he will need surgery to stabilize the fracture in his head.

Hurricane Ike really hit hard here. Lots of people lost their homes. The curfew here was just lifted today, almost a month later! The surrounding towns still have a curfew.

I went to McDonald's the past Saturday and all they had was french fries, coke, and hambugers with nothing one them. It just came with meat and bread, lol, no special sauce. No pickells, no mayo, mustard, or ketchup. Nada. So I went to Sonic instead and got a hamburger, tater tots, and Dr. Pepper and slit it with my Mom. Which ended with me only eating one bite and getting nauseated so my Mom ate it.

We have been cutting and baling hay for almost 2 weeks now! I hope we get enough hay to get us through to next hay season. But it looks like we will have to buy some hay.

My brother's car he was buying. It caught fire yesterday while it was parked in the parking lot of a hair solon place. It had some kind of leak. The engine and battery and other things in it melted. So they had to load it onto a trailer and haul it to the owners. Which, normally is just about a 2hr drive one way. Well, it turned into a 5hr drive the way there and the normal 2hr drive back. I think they had problems getting it loaded and then had to drive slow and I think they had to stop 1-2 times to fix it or something.

Also Bugs and Rex aren't both male bunnies like I was told. Pretty sure Bugs is going to be a momma soon. So I got another cage and have seperated them. Should find out anytime or up to 2 more weeks to see if Bugs has babies. I also got her a nesting box, for just in case she is pregnant.

I got a kitten! We aren't sure if its male or female. But we think its a girl. So I named her Molly. She will be fixed once she is old enough. Molly is very playful and likes to play rough. And jumps all over Buzz, the dog. They play until Buzz gets tired of her. She doesn't know to run away from dogs or horses, so I have to keep an eye on her.

Last weekend I gave PacMan a bath. It was hot and I gave him the bath in his paddock, so I didn't tie him up to dry afterwards. Just turned him loose, so of course he rolled and got all dirty. I was hot, so I didn't get the knot out of his mane. I think I will get it out tomorrow. Its a small one so won't be hard to get out.

After we are done getting the hay up, Dad is going disc up and drag my sand so that I can start riding again!

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