Tuesday, December 30, 2008

About time I post an update!

Christmas was great! My lungs, Thomas and Mack are doing wonderful! I have 98% lung function the last time I went to the doctor.

I'm no longer taking Lovenox injections (blood tinners) because I'm taking Coumadin (pills) that I swallow instead. Which means no more giving myself those painful injections! Sometimes they feel like a wasp sting, other times I don't feel a thing. But last time I had my blood work done, it showed that my blood was too thin, so I had to stop taking the blood thinners for a few days, then when I started taking them again, I had to decrease my dosage by 1mg.

My kidney function is still declining, so the doctor decreased my Prograf, my big anti-rejection medicine, to 1mg twice a day. He said that Coumadin can cause the level to be decreased. And my Prograf level was low when I had my blood checked, but he didn't change the dosage. I guess he is hoping that the decrease in Coumadin will increase the level of my Prograf. And is trying to save my kidneys since all the anit-rejection meds are hard on your kidneys.

And so now, everytime I'm home, I stay hooked up to my feeding pump. I do feedings during night and during the day I increase the drip rate and do water all day. When I want to go outside or go somewhere, I just unhook from my feeding pump and do what I want to.

Only thing is that my PEJ tube (feeding tube) hurts all the time still. He doctors say that some people's bodies just can't tolerate the tube and are more sensitive to it and have to get it changed more often, and I'm apparently one of them. I just had it replced about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks ago. When it gets to painful to bare, I'll go back and have it changed again.

Bugs Bunny (my female black and white regular rabbit) and Rex (my black and white male mini rex) had a litter of kits (bunnies)! There are 7 all together. Some of them are rare colors! They have all their hair and opened eyes. I bet in a few days they will be hopping out of the hutch into the main part of the cage. They will be ready to go to new homes the first couple weeks of Feburuary. Bugs had 2 blacks, 1 seal brown that is very friendly and nosey, 1 brown and white, 1 tortise and white, 1 tortise, and 1 orange and white.

Been trying to get a hold of the farrier so he can come out and trim some horses hooves for me so I can ride. Well, so I can ride as soon as the ground gets better, right now its standing water and mud everywhere!

We had snow during the very first weeks in December! I even made a snow-cowgirl, LOL, she had a big belt buckle on and everything and 2 horses, lol, albeit plastic, hehe. Her eyes were made from skittles and of course the traditional carrot nose. She melted very fast and was gone the next day, as was all the snow. We never get snow way down here in South Texas on the Gulf! We ended up getting 1 1/2 inches I think. My brother lives in an apartment in Beaumont and they got 3 inches. Houston got 5 inches! And there is a town in Laouisana thats not far from me that got 8 inches! Crazy weather!! I mean, we have got snow before, but not this early in the year. Usually its like Christmas Eve or Day or around New Year's Eve/Day. And never this much! Last time we had snow like this was in 2004, I got to make a small snowman then too, lol.

Buzz wasn't sure about the snow. He is my Mom's 4-5yo Parson Jack Russel Terrier. He kept jumping in the air trying to catch all the snow flakes before they hit the ground. And while walking in the snow he was looking at the snow before each step he took and would then look at his paw to see what the weird stuff was, LOL. Harley, my little chihuahua mutt dog, didn't get to see the snow. I let her outside, but all she wanted to do was come back inside and never even noticed the "white stuff". I even had a cute little doggy sweater on her. Me, I was in my barefeet and PJs, LOL. I didn't stay out there very long either, lol. But, it was like 4am too, I was sleepy!

Our Christmas Tree is coming this weekend Mom says.

For Christmas we had deep fired turkeys, Dad fried them outside! Yummy! We got one and gave one to our brother to take home.

I made Mom a picture frame of Buzz. I painted paw prints and dog bones on it and glued a small wooden dog in the top corner and painted his name at the bottom, and put a picture of Buzz in it. I also made her a blanket, one of those polar fleece blankets with the tie-ends. Her blanket has dogs on it with brown bottom. She also got the DVD's One Missed Call, The Dark Knight, and 1 or 2 other DVDs as well. She also got a new hair dryer and kitchen stuff.

Dad, I got him a camo baseball cap, jigsaw puzzle that has 2 doe's and a buck in it, and I made him one of those tie-end blankets as well. His blanket had John Deere Tractors on it with a browon bottom. He got some hunting stuff and some more guy stuff, lol.

For my brother, I got him a new Fujifilm green camera, axle/bod body spray, tuperware set, and I made him a tie-end blanket as well. His was blue striped with grey bottom. He also got some colthes, and he made it into the 4 year RN nursing program at Lamar, so Mom bought him a lot of school supplies and put it in a box and wrapped it.

I also made my Mom's boss a blanket, his is Reversible, it has UT Longhorns on both sides, but different designs on each side.

I also got some material to make my own, lol. Its pink cameo and the bottom will just be hot pink. LOL.

And I got material to do my best friend one next year for Christmas. I would have waited, but you never know, they maight not have this material in this design next year. I also plan on doing one for both my Aunt's next year for Christmas too, and it shouldn't be hard to find them a design/color that they will like.

My bathroom still isn't done yet. But hopefully soon! I want to do it in cowgirl/western theme, but not having much luck finding stuff to match it. My bed room is lavendar and the main back wall is lavender and ragged with regular purple color and country white celing. The bathroom will be a light beige color with country white or off white celieng, so that anything will match if I decide to pain my room again. So far I have all purple towels and wash clothes and hand towels and I got 2 lavender purple rugs for the floor. And I have a western mirrow. The frame is wood and it has brands going all around the frame. I need to find a western toliet paper holder, western towel holder, and western toothbrush holder. And a shower curtain. I saw a clear shower curtain with a barrel racer on it in black, that I wanted, but I can't find it now! And I need to pick out curtains for the small window. And if I find a western/horse decorated cover for the light switch, that would be cool, if not I'll just put a regular white one from the store on it.

But I also have a lot of butterfly pictures and stuff that would look great in there.

At the same time, I don't want it to look to childish either, lol, cause I'm an adult, lol. Not some bouncy teen.

And I had to buy a new sheet set for my queen sized bed. I only had one sheet set for it so far because its fairly new. I just got a new bed, my old bed was full sized, so everything I had was for a full sized bed and they didn't fit the queen sized bed or the deep pockets of it either. Well, so I only have a lavender sheet set for me bed. Well, my feeding tube came apart from my PEJ tube and all the tube feeding went all over my bed and stained my sheets. So I washed them and most of the stains came out. Then the very next night, my PEJ tube insersation site leaked a lot and left a small stain on it. So I again had to wash my sheets. So I was looking foever for a set of lavender sheet set for a queen sized bed with deep pockets (17-20 inches) between 300-700 thread count and couldn't find anything but statin sheets. So I looked at my comforter and it has an olive color in it and so does my decorative pillows and curtains and my bed skirt is an olive green color. So I stared looking for a sheet set in Olive green. Well nothing said Olive green on it. Except for some waterbed sheets that I did end up buying for my parents waterbed as they were on sale, along with a sand colored waterbed sheet set for them. Finally I came across 3 sheet sets, one said Dark Moss, one said Sage, and one said Pale Willow. I picked the Sage sheet set. I hope it matches the green thats on my bed and curtains!

Then someone sent me message saying that she found a lavender sheet set on Ebay and bought them and is sending them to me! I think they are 1200 threard count. How sweet! I told her not to, that it was okay, but she insisted and did it anyway!

Then I got a box from FedEx and thought it was my weekly shipment of medical stuff for my port-a-cath. Turned out to be a very pretty butterfly purple quilt! On the bottom is horses in different colors. It was made by a group of 9 people from horsecity.com and sent to me when it was finished. I had no idea about this until I got it in the mail!

For Christmas, I got a puple proclein piggy bank! I told my brother to get me one, I didn't think he would find one though! I didn't want a plastic one. He got it, then painted flowers and butterflies on it and on its right hip he wrote "hope". So I named her "Hope". Dad put a clear coat of something on her yesterday to keep the paint from chipping off. I love it!

My parents also got me a new laptop! But it was a lemon, so we had to send it back. Mine was custom made, so they have to start another one from scratch and with the holidays won't be able to start on it until Jan. 8th and said when its finished they will over-night it to me at no charge. They are going to put in a faster modem and a Blu Ray DVD player in it this time though!! Yay! So I'll be getting a better laptop than the orignail I got for Christmas!

I also got a LOT of other things. I'm very spoiled. I got the DVD's Wall-E and Horton Hears A Who.

I got Harley and the other dogs all a rawhide pig ear for Christmas, lol. Got Harley and Buzz each a new squeaky toy. Regular beef puperoni and chicken puperoni. And my brother got those pre-made plastic stockings for animals at walmart, one for the dogs to share and one for my Cat, Molly. And I got the horses a 4lb sack of Dumor's oatmeal, honey, and molasses horse treats. And the rabbits got some carrots and horse treats and a mineral and salt block. The dogs and cat seemed to like the horse treats as well, lol. Harley also got a new dog bed, because Buzz messed her dog bed up, so her old dog bed is outside. Was going to go in the trash, but now my cat Molly thinks that its her bed and loves the thing, so I guess its hers. I also made Harley her own blanket and I even crothed (stitched) her name into the bottom corner of the blanket. She is spoiled. And she got a new sweater to keep her warm. I even read the dogs the book by Dr. Suess How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and Buzz actually paid attention. Harely didn't give a care, lol. Buzz though, he even looked at the pictures, I guess because its a kids book and onlyhas a few senteces on the pages and has big pictures to look at.

Oh, and Mom also got me a GPS, a Garmin 200 nuvi, its in color. so hopefully I won't get lost as much, hahahaha. Which means I won't call my parents crying saying I'm lost and have no idea where I'm at, LOL. Or hopefully decrease those happenings, hehe. I used the GPS the first time, its easy to use, but on the way there it didn't talk to me, but on the way home, I must have pushed something becuase now its a woman's voice talks to me and tells me where to turn, lol. Scared me when it first started talking, lol. I need to read the insturuction booklet.

Last time I went to the lung doctor he said becase of the nausea and Gastropareisis and nothing working, that there was one option that I might consider. Its a surgery that would remove part of my stomach and stomach nerves, sorta like a gastric bypass. So I saw my regular GI doctor and the GI surgeon. Now I have to go back to my lung doctor to hear what the results are and what they think, what options I have if any, and what the plan is if they have one. I hope they at least have a suggestion on something I can try to make the PEJ tube more bearable and not bother me as much as it does. Hopefully something. It will be disappointing if I have to drive all the way there and back (making between 4 1/2-6hr) driving time total depending on traffic, construction, weather, if its rush hour or not, etc... and they don't have anything to offer me.

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